Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Photo Essay - HS Sports Practice

Monday was the first day of high school sports practices and I was lucky enough to be assigned a photo essay on it for one high school. I LOVE doing this type of thing. Who doesn't right? I was challenged to cover 5 practices: football, cross-country, girls soccer, volleyball and boys soccer. It was a mad rush as most of the teams held practice at the same time, but somehow it got done. I'm pretty happy with the results of a 3 hour job for one essay. Below are the photos in color and some outtakes.

They only wanted one photo per sport so these were cut.


Brandon Kruse said...

Awesome Morgan! That page looks sick, nice work. The Sun is cool as hell by the way, I'm loving it. The video is kind of killing me, but besides that I'm digging the sunshine state.

Danny Ghitis said...

nice job on the essay!

Luanne Dietz said...

Great Job on the Practice spread;)

David Hobby said...

That's pretty nice shootin' there, Tex, for three hours...