Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tap Jam 2008

Photographed the class and performed in the show the next day. Video of me dancing is somewhere on youtube. If you want to see it you'll have to search.

mp_tapjam01/METRO/Morgan Petroski/061908

mp_tapjam03/METRO/Morgan Petroski/061908


Tammy Bredy is an accomplished archer and is pictured in her living room with her newly hung elk at the right, which she shot in September 2007 in the Gila National Forest. The elk set a record and Bredy said of all the arrows she's ever shot that's the only one that mattered, the one that took down the elk.

mp_bredy03/MVT/Morgan Petroski/060808

Summer Skate Park

Hit up the skate park for a feature one day. Need to go back and shoot better.

mp_skatefeech02/METRO/Morgan Petroski/060908

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Terrier Trials

mp_jackrussell05/RR/Morgan Petroski/060808

To jump or not to jump

Found these boys while photographing an apartment complex. They preceded to do flips into the pool and of course splash me and the camera. Ah I miss water.

mp_apt06/BIZ/Morgan Petroski/060108

mp_apt07/BIZ/Morgan Petroski/060108

Monday, June 09, 2008

In the Rio

I waded into the Rio Grande for a story on the silvery minnows... our guide didn't realize photographers come in different sizes and brought a large set of waders. But I was determined to get my job done and climbed into the pants that I could have used as a tent. I then squished my feet into the size 10 or 11 men's boots and slid into the brown water. It was quite the experience. The mud felt like quick sand a few times and I almost lost one of the large boots that felt like weighted flippers attached to my feet. The whole time though I had to stay focused on the camera. DO NOT DROP THE CAMERA. The muddy waters would not have been forgiving, much like my editors I'm sure. "Um yeah I dropped my brand new camera into the Rio." A statement sure to get me stuck in the office or worse. But in the end both myself and the camera emerged spotless. Actually I got quite the tan on my arms and neck, but that's just part of the job.

mp_minnow01/METRO/Morgan Petroski/052808

mp_minnow/METRO/Morgan Petroski/052808

Monday, June 02, 2008


The Downs at Expo New Mexico may be facing demolition so we needed fresh art. Luckily someone was training.

mp_nmexpo01/METRO/Morgan Petroski/052908

Geoff Kabush

mp_kabush02/SPORTS/Morgan Petroski/052508

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Bush was in town

And there was a protest...

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I once volunteered with a similar program in Florida. Needless to say I'm glad this assignment landed in my lap.

mp_chocolatte01/WEST/Morgan Petroski/052508

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There's No Crying in Baseball

A high school team huddles in the outfield after losing during the playoffs for state 5A championship.

mp_sfcuevabball08/SPORTS/Morgan Petroski/052108