Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Bubbalympics, Softball, Motorcycles

This weekend was busy once again. Having three assignments in a window from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm with two of those assignments over-lapping was quite a drain. And actually very disappointing because I couldn't spend more time at what I thought was the best assignment, Bubbalympics. I arrived at the event which was basically a competition about being the best Red-neck Bubba. It included spam eating, belly-flopping, hot dog eating, etc. And I arrived for the last two portions of the entire competition... couch potato quarterback and hot dog eating. I missed the best part because of the other assignment which I didn't even stay very long at. Grr...

Here's the photo gallery the Banner put up with all the photos, and down below is one of the photos that ran in print.

Next are photos of the Motorcycle Drill Team that was the assignment right before Bubbalympics.

And finally for now, photos from the day long softball girl's state championship games on Sunday. My assignment said 11am, I got there and was the second car in the parking field. An hour goes by, I see no one... and the was no one back in the office at this time. So I sat and waited until more families started pulling up and then found out that the first game didn't start until 2pm. Most prople would have gome home or somewhere during the time I waited, but no, since I live about an hour and 15 mins away it made no sense and since I wasn't that close to Ocala I waited it out. I shot a feature while I was waiting and then realized the paper wouldn't use it because I NEVER see features in the paper... remember I am weekend stringer help from out of town, I haven't even met all of the staff and I've been working there since November 2005. But on to the photos... It was fun stuff and after looking through my sent stuff from the past year I can really see an improvement in shooting sports. :)

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